We return to the world of Springsgrow and the young squirrel, Chester Brushwood. This time we meet his mother and sister as we visit their poor stump home in the middle of a frightful storm. But the weather is not the only storm Chester is facing; he is in the midst of an internal tumult as well. Will he ever get the answers about his family history that he desires?
Narrator - Nate Kuphall
Daisy - Elizabeth Kupper
Rosemary - Victoria Lynn
Chester - Nate Kuphall
Announcer - Tamara Green
Writer - Nate Kuphall
Director - Nate Kuphall
Voice Track Editor - Austin Peachey
Composer - Marc Mulcahy
Sound Design/Mix - Ezra Loza
Cover Art Illustration - Joel Kuphall
Graphic Design - Ethan Crossno
Executive Producer - J.D. Sutter
"Springsgrow Chapter 2: A Home Unbroken" is a production of the Audio Drama Alliance. The ADA audio logo was composed by Ezra Loza.
Narrator - Nate Kuphall
Daisy - Elizabeth Kupper
Rosemary - Victoria Lynn
Chester - Nate Kuphall
Announcer - Tamara Green
Writer - Nate Kuphall
Director - Nate Kuphall
Voice Track Editor - Austin Peachey
Composer - Marc Mulcahy
Sound Design/Mix - Ezra Loza
Cover Art Illustration - Joel Kuphall
Graphic Design - Ethan Crossno
Executive Producer - J.D. Sutter
"Springsgrow Chapter 2: A Home Unbroken" is a production of the Audio Drama Alliance. The ADA audio logo was composed by Ezra Loza.