The Audio Drama Alliance (ADA) is a collective of audio drama creators whose members collaborate on ADA projects on a volunteer basis and also encourage and support each other on their own projects as well. ADA is operated under the umbrella of Porchlight Family Media.
The mission of the Audio Drama Alliance is to educate, encourage, and support the next generation of audio drama creators in the production of fun, positive, and clean audio content in a Christian environment. This collective is focused on collaboration opportunities and the advancement of our God-given gifts in the audio drama medium with an emphasis on quality.
The Audio Drama Alliance (ADA) is a collective of audio drama creators whose members collaborate on ADA projects on a volunteer basis and also encourage and support each other on their own projects as well. ADA is operated under the umbrella of Porchlight Family Media.
The mission of the Audio Drama Alliance is to educate, encourage, and support the next generation of audio drama creators in the production of fun, positive, and clean audio content in a Christian environment. This collective is focused on collaboration opportunities and the advancement of our God-given gifts in the audio drama medium with an emphasis on quality.
What sort of audio dramas does ADA produce?
- One-shots
- Comedies
- Mysteries
- Sci-Fi
- Christian Message Themed Stories
- Short skits
- Feature-length productions